The HOPE Platform
What is the HOPE Platform?
The HOPE Platform is a nationally-accredited immersive technology platform for diabetes management. This innovative platform offers 24/7 access to tools, live medical group visits, and an immersive telehealth experience, helping people become high-performing drivers of care. We combine HIPAA-compliant patient input information with our HOPE Platform ecosystem to acquire, empower, retain, and drive improving health outcomes for our participants.
Unique HOPE Platform Features
Automated onboarding tutorial
Avatar customization
Newly-designed educational exhibits
Data-driven “buddy system”
Predictive analytics capabilities with patient reported outcomes and risk score monitoring
The Buddy System
We understand the importance of community in reaching your goals. Maybe you’re feeling lonely or disconnected from others, or maybe you want someone to talk over your personal goals with and hold each other accountable. Whatever your reason, we want to help you find and build the types of bonds you are looking for through our data-driven Buddy System.
Registration is simple; first, you fill out a profile to help get a sense of who you are and the the type of people you'd be interested in meeting. Once you've filled that out, we'll use our personalized matching system to find who we think you'll be most compatible with. Soon, we'll email you with your matches and you can start fostering those connections! For more information on how it works, check out this blog post.
How We Know It Works
Among people with uncontrolled diabetes, our HOPE Platform has demonstrated the following in as little as 8 weeks in rigorous comparative effectiveness trials:
20% reduction in total healthcare costs
70% program retention rate
HbA1C reductions of 0.5-1%
Programs Offered
ACDES-Approved Diabetes Self-Management Program (English)
CDC-Approved Diabetes Prevention Program (Spanish)
Patient Advisory Group (English)
Diabetes Support Group (English)
What Our Participants Are Saying