Why is Self-Monitoring So Important?

We're all on a journey towards living a happy, healthy life. But if we don't know how our behaviors impact our health, our journey can be like driving in the dark without headlights. Even though we know where we want to go, we can't see how to get there, and it's easy to get lost without knowing it. 

So just like how headlights let you see where you're going, self-monitoring lets you see how certain foods, medications, and behaviors impact your health. 

So What is Self-Monitoring?
Self-monitoring means checking your blood sugar levels throughout the day, and using that information to make healthier decisions. It's not a judgment on whether you're doing good or bad, it's information that you can use to head in the right direction. 

Self-monitoring is most effective when you check your blood sugar multiple times a day, and when you keep track of it over time. 

How Do I Self-Monitor?

To measure your blood sugar, you can use glucose tests multiple times a day, or a continuous glucose monitor that keeps track of your blood sugar automatically throughout the day and night. To keep track of your blood sugar over time, and figure out what causes it to change, you can use a journal or a phone app. 

What Do I Do If My Blood Sugar is Too Low or High?

If your blood sugar is too low, you can have a snack or take a glucose tablet to get it back up. If it's too high, you can do some light exercise

To keep your blood sugar in range, you can eat and exercise at regular times throughout the day, limit the sugar you eat, get enough sleep, and manage your stress. Seek medical attention if your blood sugar is out of range for a long time. 

 Diabetes might be a difficult journey, but self-monitoring can help you stay on the right track


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